Monday, 23 January 2012

Shakira and Ombeli - January 2012

Shakira and Ombeli remain the soft spot in our hearts, nobody will ever forget in what bad physical condition they were when they arrived on N/a'ankusê, but goodness have they improved! They are beautiful creatures reminding us how important it is to conserve their species for the next generation.

Duma - January 2012

One can actually not believe how Duma's character has changed since she has moved to her beautiful big natural enclosure, she has become calm and seems happy, sitting for hours staring at Ombili through  the fence. She is probably a bit jealous of Shakira, her younger and leaner neighbor!

Keanu and Timbila - January 2012

Keanu and Timbila's camp is so green and full of beautiful yellow flowers that even the leopards seem to be getting friendlier and inspired by them! They delight any visitors with their presence straight away and even show off splashing around in their waterhole at times!
These two magnificent leopard still have visitors on the carnivore feeding tour in awe when they see their power, they are however a sad reminder how we humans have played a role in them ending up in captivity for the rest of their lives.