Monday 11 July 2011

Shakira and Ombeli are growing up!

Shakira and Ombeli continue to amaze us at how they are growing up so quickly. It is hard to compare them with the tiny cubs of last year. Ombeli is even bigger than their neighbour Duma now who is about 3 years older than him!

Throughout June we were joined by a film crew who were filming for Animal Planet for our new 13 episode documentary series about N/a’an ku sê. For one episode, the film crew wanted to take Shakira out on a walk - brave men! Having not been on a walk since March Shakira loved the freedom and was practically bounding throughout the entire walk. Marlice accompanied them, keeping her under control and in line. The film crew were terribly nervous and jumped straight back into their car when they sensed Shakira bounding towards them!

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